Sunday, April 27, 2014

Plutocracy - Kaasu Panam Dhuttu

Necessity is the mother of all inventions. But what necessitated the invention of money. To understand this, let us travel back in time.

Medieval England:
The first bankers are money changers. Their job is to keep safe other people's gold in their vaults and give receipts. These receipts were the first money. People were OK with this as it is easy to carry cash instead of gold everywhere. Money changers identified that only a small fraction of depositors ever came in and demanded their gold at any one time. The money changers capitalized this scenario and gave away loans far more than the gold they had with them. This is what now called Fractional Reserve Banking - The practice of lending out money than the assets in hand. This way, the money changers accumulated more money / gold out of nothing.

Money Changers:
Queen Elizabeth tried to take control of economy of Great Britain; money changers were so influential that they put UK into a series of expensive war for next 50 years. At the end, the UK government were force to contact these money changers to bail them out. In exchange the money changers were allowed to create a bank. The first modern private bank "Bank of England" was created in 1694. The name of the bank is so deceptive that one thinks it is government owned bank, but it is not. Adding mystery, it is not mandatory to reveal the real investors. The business of this bank is to loan British politicians as much as currency (just by printing papers). The British govt. is supposed to repay the loan through direct taxation of citizens. The loan and interest are 100% secured in this way. Repeat of incidents in 1791 in USA. It was initially called, the "First Bank of United States".

One such money changer is Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He had five sons: Amschel "Anselm" Mayer Rothschild (base: Frankfurt), Salomon Mayer Rothschild (base: Austria), Nathan Mayer Rothschild (base: London), Calmann "Carl" Mayer (base: Naples, Jacob "James" Mayer (base: Paris). They had Rothschild houses in their respective bases and started giving loans to governments. by mid-1800, Rothschilds were the richest family in the world. If any big mansions in Europe don’t belong to the kings, it belongs to Rothschild. JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Cechil Rhodes were all "Fronts" of Rothschild family.

War is always expensive for both sides. Rothschild keeps backing both sides with loan and makes money. They did it when Austria waged a war against France in early 1800s. Earlier to March 1815, Napoleon of France was waging his final battle in Waterloo. If he wins, shares in London stock market will fall. Nathan Rothschild learnt Napoleon's defeat even before the government in London. He notoriously started selling shares to create an environment that Napoleon has won the war. Everyone sold their share and all were bought by Rothschild himself. The next day, when the news break - Nathan Rothschild proved why he was a successful businessman.

In mid-1800, they owned half the wealth of the world. They own the lion's share in Federal reserve of USA. Rothschild are into all major business, what ever we name, they will be there. But their name will not surface anywhere. Rothschild name never came in the richest of the richest list anytime - they own the media. They are the only trillionaire in the world. The secrets of Rothschild family are more as we dig in more.

If money is God, Rosthchilds are the prophet.


Prabhu said...

Bilderberg is also one such secretly maintained society... Many controversies surround them and their annual meetings. A post on that would be interesting..

sabarish said...

Wow!!!! really? Thats interesting to know..