Tuesday, November 12, 2013

He who is God?

Existence and non-existence of God is an unending debate. Let’s not start it once again. I just kept thinking how man thought of some God component for the first time. It must be the rain, air, fire, land – those natural phenomenon upon which man did not have any control. The phenomenon that help him live his life without much trouble. But man did not stop with that. Take any civilization Greek, Roman, Indian - Gods have families. This is a clear example of man’s imagination.

I have read the rise of Vatican resulted in the start of dark medieval period. Before the rise of Vatican - the civilizations relied much on human knowledge than the super powers. Anyone can read about Hypatia to understand this. This applies to all civilizations – they migrated to superstitious beliefs than believing their self-instincts. I feel this is the time in our history we started celebrating God than worshipping. That is why archaeologists unearth more “worship artefacts” than “study artefacts”.

Modern science - We have our evolution theory that details how man came into existence. It details about how other living things existed and went extinct before and after the birth of human species. OK, what about the universe? Stephen Hawkins says no one knows how the universe was created. Our great scientists were able to figure out the gases that were present few minutes after the big bang (science belief of universe creation) but not what caused that big bang explosion. Hawkins conclude that till someone finds that moment let’s assume that universe was created out of God’s particle (!). He passed the buck to God himself.

If God had really created the universe, man may not find him at all unless God himself decide to show up. Man did not sightsee the whole universe yet, we have just covered a small area so far. God could be anywhere we dint see through the eyes of our explorers in the space. On that day when we have swept the entire universe, God is all powerful to extend this universe.

Most of the dark beliefs were out of our life these days. God is not as powerful as he was when he was first conceived.  Currency is powerful, Guns are powerful, Internet is powerful etc. Religions will survive as long as they are fed with money, else many will disappear. One day in future - caste and religion will be history, temples will be museums and that day man will be free thinking man and that is how he came into existence at first.


Td Vijayalaxmi said...

As you said, there are lot of things that are powerful than God. Those are few things in this world... But, the people who don't have or having few... have BELIEVE/FAITH, i think that is God... Some driving force to live the life or a path the man choose to reach his/her eternity....

And there are lot of stuffs scientific couldn't fig out. Those were not reachable to human knowledge.... how/when/why/what leads man to supernatural/some powerful source....Our Faith is our God... Our goodness is God's power....

Napolean said...

Wonderful blog about the existence of non-existence term "GOD"

Let the caste get outcast-ed by name the "GOD"

Unknown said...

Alright, it is a very tricky topic/term to be discussed because it’s not only about science; we are also sneaking around our predecessors beliefs. Let me share some of my comments here.

I truly accept the fact that this factor called “GOD “came into picture probably only after Human’s evolution. Still we have no hardcore confirmation of his/her/its existence.

This Planet is still facing so many miserable disasters by both “Believers & Non Believers of GOD” believers might have a fear that they might end up in Hell non believers don’t & that’s the only difference between both the kinds but the problems have only grown up in the scale rather not been swiped out.

As you said Money, Gun, internet is powerful now but did you imagine what could have been powerful 10000 years ago??? Probably survival??? even before dat what could have been more powerful??? What makes you to say that the existence of Dinosaurs where completely eradicated because of natural calamity & start up the whole world again in a clean slate???What will be more powerful 20000 years from now??? We have no answers probably that’s the game plane of “Mr.GOD” to be unpredictable. In terms of science I think our universe works just like our digestive system & now we might be in the stage of digestion soon the waste will be thrown away. Every element in this planet has a saturation point all we have to do is just to get along with the flow without impacting the other that would be a safe surface for living.

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them just with money, currency , etc which is powerful??? I am not sure about “GOD” it is better not be too eager to deal out something beyond human brain’s reach in judgment. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.


Cheers :)